Program and Dance Troupe Information

Artistic Director:  Amber Martinez

Program Coordinator: Tanya Gonzalez

Our Folklórico classes are held in St. Mary's Church of Anderson's annex building located on the corner of   E.11th St. and Fletcher St. in Anderson, IN.

Dance Troupe Classes and Goal

  • As a recreational, mixed age dance troupe we are dedicated to teaching and performing traditional folk dances from Mexico known as "ballet folklorico". Adults, teens and children are invited to participate each year and form part of the dance troupe.  Children as young as Kindergarten and older may join.  An emphasizes on team work, developing self-confidence, learning responsibility, knowledge and understanding of the culture and music of Mexico are also taught.  Dance classes are taught in community style format: all ages together to encourage experienced dancers to emerge as leaders among the troupe dancers. Each class will emphasize percussion footwork known as "zapateado" according to the regional dances being taught.  Traditional suits and dresses specific to the regional dances being performed are coordinated to keep authenticity to each state or region's tradition. As dancers participate, improved ability to work as a team, self confidence, rhythm, coordination and self-esteem is the goal.  

Registration and Monthly Class Fees

  • Yearly dance sessions begin in February and end in December. There is a $10 Registration Fee for each dancer and a $20 Monthly Dance Fee for each family, regardless of how many dancers participate from the same family. Families should pay their Registration and Monthly Dance Fee each month to avoid interruption of class participation. 

Costume Coordination

  • All costumes should coordinate with costumes being used for each specific dance region. The Program Coordinator will measure each dancer, help you place an order or try on a used costume as needed prior to the performances. If you choose to make your own costume, please speak with Tanya in advance to coordinate color and specific details. 
Booster Club and Fundraising

  • Yearly fundraising efforts are organized by families each year. Participation from all families is expected to keep our dance program affordable for everyone. New costumes, group t-shirts and educational trips have been purchased and organized as a result of successful fundraising events in the past.  

Program Rules

1. Attendance is important for dance troupe members to come together and learn as a team. We believe dancers learn by observing as much as participating. At times, younger dancers will be asked to observe what is being taught with the goal of learning steps and choreography. By doing so, dancers will be better prepared to move into dance numbers when needed. Please notify the Program Coordinator of any anticipated absences as soon as possible. 

2. Dancers need to arrive prepared for class with their dance shoes or boots (botines) and a water bottle for each class. Long hair should be pulled back away from the face. Comfortable exercise clothes should be worn to each class. Girls need to bring their black practice skirt to each class.

3. Due to limited space, parents of children and other family members may watch class from the hallway or door window as long as they do not pose a distraction to the dancers.

4. After Class: all dancers of minor age, should wait for their parents inside the hallway of the building.  
Parents should be punctual in picking up their children after class.

5. Performance Guidelines: dancers should arrive to each performance 1 hour and 15 minutes before the scheduled performance time at the meeting place. Female dancers: hair needs to be combed in a tight bun with make-up applied except for lipstick. Costumes should be carried to and from each performance in a garment bag. Dancers will dress backstage and not arrive dressed in costume. Dancers should change out of the costume and dance shoes or boots after performances. Dancers who arrive late or are not prepared to perform, may not be allowed to perform. Dancers need to pick up after themselves and return borrowed costumes at class following a performance. 

6. Please phone or set up a time to speak with Program Coordinator whenever you have questions. Before or after a class is not always the best time to talk. Please call with any questions regarding a performance the day before. It is very difficult to answer many phone calls the day of a performance.

Thank you for your support in what is now our 15th year of Anderson Folklórico Dance Troupe!